Thursday, April 1, 2010

No Rest for a Rock Star!!!

Last night was the first night in the beginning of a 6 night run for Fletch & I. Maybe we need to slowdown, but instead we went to Slowdown for my very first Bassnectar show.

Bassnectar is a free-form DJ that mixes just about every genre including ragtime, punk rock, blues, polka, salsa, film scores, gansta rap, beat boxing, balkan gyspy music, ska, death metal and dub. He self describes his music as “omnitempo maximalism,” which basically means no rules, no limitations, and no hesitation in fusing the familiar with the strange or the classic with the cutting edge.
And he has the longest hair I’ve ever seen!

The music is so freakin’ loud that there were warning signs as you came in saying “We love your ears, wear your ear plugs” And to make sure we could, there was a free ear plug dispenser at the merch table. I usually don’t do ear plugs but I wanted to shove 2 pairs in my ears. It was so loud I could literally feel the music & it felt awesome.

It was a festival of lights & heavy dance beats. The crowd was made up mostly of trippies. Trippies are a cross between nappy headed hippies and glow stick carryin’ ravers. The trippies had enough glowsticks & other toy lights to light up the forest during a new moon. It brought me right back to my younger & freer mind altered days.

Come on Scooby-Doo, where are you? At Slowdown, of course. Oscar, from Sesame street was also there. One trippy asked me who Fletch was shootin’ for. I told him The Reader & he asked if that was an Omaha paper. Who doesn’t know that? He then went on to say “Like I said, (which I don’t think he did) I’ve been in a hole for the last 2 years. I’ve been away in treatment, but I’M BACK NOW!”
Yes he was!
Then he said “I hope you have a wonderful life” & danced away.

Another guy asked me if I wanted to dance. Would I be there if I didn’t? How does one answer that? It certainly isn’t the kind of music of the dance hall days back in our parents time when a girl sat in a chair along the wall waiting for this exact question to be asked. I think I said “I am dancing!” & crawled away through the railing up to the next level. Poor guy. He looked like a really clean hippy.
Everybody must’ve had fun because there was so much dancin' going on the floors were sweating. My number one complaint at shows is that nobody dances anymore. Well I definitely couldn't complain last night. But seriously, the floors were wet. But they weren’t sticky as with beer so it had to be sweat. I also found a lost phone, lost sunglasses & a single lost shoe.

I had an awesome time too but I don’t think I lost anything, except maybe some hearing, even with the ear plugs.

Tonight we have the Stir Cove Summer Concert line up announcement party. We then have Kyle Harvey’s CD release show at Barley Street. And we gotta try & make it to Loom for our bohemian son, Brent Crampton’s birthday.

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