Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Love Fest in the Midwest Day 2

Friday the 13th wasn’t starting out so bad. I was able to sleep in until 10 & I can never sleep past 7am. It was cold & cloudy, but at least it didn’t rain. After having some granola & fruit for breakfast, I spent the morning writing. I looked out the van window & could see that it was still cold because every hippie I saw had a blanket wrapped around them. I put on a few layers of clothing and even though I was warm enough, I felt a little boring so I threw on blanket as well & I went to see what was going on. Along the way, I’d easily get distracted by something or someone colorful.

The vendors were a big, yet wonderful distraction for me. And there were plenty of them. Yesterday I found myself a cute little hand-made “fairy skirt” from Lindsey. I’ve wanted one ever since I saw a girl wearing one at the Bassnectar show a month ago. I’ve also been interested in those colorful feathers I keep seeing in girl’s hair, which appears to be what the hair wrap was to the 90’s. I once spent an entire night after a Dead show putting one in a girl’s hair, and that time I definitely was under the influence of Mr. Kesey. Feathers only take a matter of minutes. Rachel, of Perpetual Designs, puts these in for you, but she also sells them as earrings, which is the option I went with. I love them.

The bands I caught today were: Midland Band, The Weeping Figs, Washboard Gravel, Stanky Puddunker, Paddy O'Furniture, Deadman Flats, MOJO, Family Groove Company, Somasphere, Ghost Town Blues w/ Kris Lager sitting in.

Sometimes you just have to come to a festival & experience it for yourself. Some things just can’t be explained & Friday night was like that. I’ll just say that the view was one that Timothy Leary would’ve appreciated. While Fletch & I were walking the trail, a girl came running up to us, hugged us & said she loved us. I asked if she was the same girl I just saw in the bathroom who hugged me because she felt the same? I’m pretty sure she was but if I haven’t been clear yet, things were a little confusing. Earlier, Fletch bought me one of those laser lights for my birthday & we had a lot of fun with that in the back of the minivan to the point that my cheeks hurt from laughing so hard.

When we were finally able to make it out of the van, I was wearing my tutu & tights and ready for some dancing, as well trying out some new laser moves. I could play with that thing forever and all the indie bands I go to see are so gonna hate me. Oh well. After Somasphere, we happened upon a fire show outside before we stumbled into the Moose Lodge and caught a pretty cool show. Kris Lager was playing with Ghost Town Blues and I remember liking that quite a lot. I wasn’t able to stay up too long after that so we missed all the late night festivities.

Peace, Love & Lady Bugs!

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